Colourful Kite Exhibition at CHINATOWN POINT from 7 Sep 01 - 1 Oct 01



The ChinaTown Point Colourful Kite Exhibition Poster

This is the promotion poster specially designed for this event.
Double click on poster for high-resolution version.


Minature Sode Tako (Kimono)

Sode Tako (Kimono Kite) - Besides making some of the world's largest kites the
Japanese have had for hundreds of years a fascination with miniature kites.
One of the pastimes of the retired Samurai Warriors was to use straw and tissue paper
to make small kites that would fly over the rising air from the hot coals of their cooking stoves.


 Yakko-Tako (14cm x 13cm) is one of the most popular kite in Japan.

  Yakko-Tako (14cm x 13cm) is one of the most popular kite in Japan.
It is very difficult to fly without tails, so children attach 2-4m
length of tails made by cut newspaper or other tape and
"Yakko" means 'a servant' in ancient era.


The Inflatable Moon Cake @ ChinaTown Point Podium B

Inflatable Moon Cake specially made for this exhibition. It is kept inflated by
a electric blower which provided a continuous source of air.



Next Time I will use a Fisheye Lens

This is what my 28mm lens cound capture.


Size Comparision, the Mask Kite towering over the Inflatable Moon Cake.

The Opera Mask Kite towering over the Moon Cake.


Thank You - SKA Team

This is the SKA Team that made this exhibition possible.
Thanks Guys!